10 findings available

Complaint about the Northern Ireland Housing Executive

A Housing Executive resident complained that it didn’t deal with his concerns about his unsafe kitchen.

Upholding the complaint, we recommended that it apologise to the man and provide him with a response within two weeks of our report.

Investigation Report

Northern Ireland Housing Executive took two years to deal with resident’s complaint

We criticised how a complaint was handled by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, concluding that it appeared ‘unimportant’ to the organisation to deal with complaints quickly and effectively.

Investigation Report

Man has thousands of pounds in benefits repaid after being wrongly told to apply for Universal Credit

Our investigation led to the Department for Communities repaying over £11,000 to a man after we found he was given poor advice which caused him to lose his existing benefits.

Investigation Report

Investigation into a complaint about the Northern Ireland Housing Executive

A man complained about the way the Housing Executive dealt with his concerns about episodes of Anti-Social Behaviour.  We upheld the complaint, finding that the Housing Executive did not manage the claims in line with its Anti-Social Behaviour manual.

Investigation Report

Report upholds man's complaint about suspension of PIP

Our investigation examined a man's claims that the Department for Communities had failed to consider his ‘difficulties’ when considering his claim for the Personal Independence Payment benefit, and that it lacked understanding of his condition.

Investigation Report

Failings found in 'appointee' process

The Ombudsman has recommended that the Department for Communities should review its operation of the appointee procedure following an investigation into a complaint.

Investigation Report

Ombudsman asks Housing Executive to look again at grant application

The Public Services Ombudsman has upheld a complaint from a member of the public who complained about the way the Housing Executive handled her request for a grant to buy a property.

Investigation Report

Northern Ireland Housing Executive made ‘fair and reasonable efforts’ to address concerns of man who complained about his neighbour’s anti-social behaviour

Investigation finds NIHE acted appropriately in dealing with request to evict tenant.

Investigation Report

Investigation finds that Department did not respond adequately to complaint

The Ombudsman has recommended that the Northern Ireland Civil Service review elements of their Dignity at Work policy after she found maladministration in the way the Department for Communities handled a complaint from a member of the public.

Investigation Report

Investigation into repair work on disabled man’s home finds multiple failures

The Ombudsman has made a number of recommendations to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive following an investigation of a complaint about the handling of improvement works to a tenant’s residence.

Investigation Report

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