7 findings available

Council accused of lack of enforcement action over garden cabin

We investigated a complaint that Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council should have enforced planning rules over a garden cabin.

Investigation Report

Department did not clearly define eligibility for Covid support grant

A business owner said he was unfairly denied a Covid business support grant.  We found that the man’s application was assessed properly, but criticised the Department for the Economy for producing guidance that was not clear.

Investigation Report

Man's complaint leads to broadband access

Case Summary

Investigation finds Department failed to provide clear information over Covid-19 Business Support Scheme

A complainant believed her business should have received financial support during the Covid-19 pandemic.  We asked the Department for the Economy to retrospectively accept and consider her application.

Investigation Report

Ombudsman criticises Council’s record keeping over planning application for heat and power plant

Derry City and Strabane District Council has been criticised for not making contemporaneous records  over whether to carry out a Habitat Regulation Assessment during a planning case.

Investigation Report

Application for wind turbine ‘not processed in appropriate manner’ by Council

The Ombudsman has found that a Council provided a planning applicant with misleading and inaccurate information about his application, and has made a series of recommendations for remedy.

Investigation Report

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