5 findings available

Investigation of a complaint against Queen’s University, Belfast

A student complained about how Queen’s University gathered evidence in its investigation of an alleged assault.  We asked the University to apologise after we found it did not properly explain to the student how it obtained evidence from the PSNI.

Investigation Report

University failed to explain findings of probe into bullying allegations

A student complained to Queen’s University about bullying and harassment by other residents in her University accommodation.  We asked the University to apologise to the student for failures in the way it dealt with her complaint.

Investigation Report

Restrictive Practices in Northern Ireland Schools - an overview report

This report contains details of investigations into restrictive practices in schools, identifies recurring themes, and includes a number of recommendations to the Department of Education.

Own Initiative Investigation

Investigation of a complaint about the Northern Ireland Audit Office

We welcomed the Audit Office's positive approach to record keeping after we upheld a complaint about the way it dealt with a complainant's concerns.

Investigation Report

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