7 findings available

Strengthening our roots: an overview report on tree protection in the planning system

This report was prepared in response to concerns about the protection given to trees and the lack of enforcement action following reported breaches of Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs).

Own Initiative Investigation

Council failed to properly consider report into conduct of Chief Executive

We found failures in Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s decision to take no action over an independent report which was critical of its senior staff.

Investigation Report

Council’s procurement errors led to trader overpaying for rental site

We asked Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council to refund thousands of pounds to a woman after we found it mismanaged an online procurement.

Investigation Report

Council accused of lack of enforcement action over garden cabin

We investigated a complaint that Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council should have enforced planning rules over a garden cabin.

Investigation Report

Investigation of a complaint against Belfast City Council

We found that a consultation response to a planning application should have been made available on the Planning Portal website.  While this was a record keeping error by the Belfast Planning Service, we found no grounds to question its decision to approve the application.

Investigation Report

Application for wind turbine ‘not processed in appropriate manner’ by Council

The Ombudsman has found that a Council provided a planning applicant with misleading and inaccurate information about his application, and has made a series of recommendations for remedy.

Investigation Report

Complainant experienced injustice as a result of Council's actions

A local Council has been asked by the Ombudsman to apologise to a complainant after an investigation found they failed to follow their own Financial Regulations during a process to appoint a company for a public event.

Investigation Report

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