One way to submit a subject access request to NIPSO, is to make your request through the form below.
  1. In order to verify your request for personal data, you may need to provide us with adequate Proof of Identity. 
  2. Normally, information will be supplied free of charge, but where a request is manifestly unfounded, excessive, of a repetitive nature or where more than one copy of the data is sought, a fee may apply. 
  3. You may contact our Data Protection Officer at to assist you in the completion of this Form. 
  4. A copy of our Privacy Statement is available here.

About you

Are you making this Subject Access Request on behalf of somebody else?

Your Personal Details

Postal address

Unfortunately, we cannot accept your request online

Please contact us on 0800 34 34 24 or via email at 

Details of your request

Mailing list subscription

The organisation you are linked to
What sector or industry best describes your organisation's area of interest
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