5 findings available

Complaint about consent for medical information

Case Summary

Housing Association apologises to tenant over handling of complaint

We asked Choice Housing Association to review its Anti-Social Behaviour procedures, and to ensure its staff are aware of the importance of record keeping when conducting investigations into Anti-Social Behaviour.

Investigation Report

Investigation of a complaint about the Education Authority

A man said that the Education Authority refused to answer questions over how it managed a referral about his son’s school attendance.  We found that although it dealt properly with most of his enquiries, it failed to respond to one of the issues he raised.

Investigation Report

Investigation of a complaint about the Northern Ireland Audit Office

We welcomed the Audit Office's positive approach to record keeping after we upheld a complaint about the way it dealt with a complainant's concerns.

Investigation Report

Complainant treated ‘unfairly’ over publication of Charity Commission report

An Ombudsman investigation has found that a complainant should have been given the chance to comment on the factual accuracy of a report by the Charity Commission prior to its publication.  However, the complaint that the report was biased and written in ‘bad faith’ was not upheld.

Investigation Report

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