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Information about the investigations process
Information about the Adjudications process
Complaints statistics, investigation summaries, and information about Adjudications during the year
Find out about upcoming Adjudications including the date, time and venue if available
Find out about decisions taken previously by the Commissioner
Information on what you need to do before complaining to us
What happens when we receive your complaint
Search or browse for decisions taken by the Commissioner at the Adjudication stage.
The Commissioner’s full written decision will be available to download within six weeks of the conclusion of the Hearing.
Code paragraphs 4.13a and 4.6
Code paragraphs 4.2, 4.13 (a) and (b)
Breach of paragraphs 4.2, 4.13 (a) and (b)
Suspended for 6 weeks to take effect from 18 June 2021
Code paragraph 4.2
Breach of paragraph 4.2
Disqualified for 5 years
Disqualified for 4 years
Disqualified for fifteen months