12 findings available

Complaint against the Department for Communities

An architect complained that he was unfairly removed from a project to restore a historic monument.

Case Summary

PIP and the value of further evidence - follow up report

In June 2021 the Ombudsman found that repeated failings by the Department for Communities in how it handled further evidence amounted to ‘systemic maladministration’. Ombudsman Margaret Kelly made 33 recommendations on how the system could be improved.

This follow-up report shows that out of the 33 recommendations made, 10 have been fully met, 18 partly met, and 5 not met. 

Own Initiative Investigation

Man has thousands of pounds in benefits repaid after being wrongly told to apply for Universal Credit

Our investigation led to the Department for Communities repaying over £11,000 to a man after we found he was given poor advice which caused him to lose his existing benefits.

Investigation Report

Report upholds man's complaint about suspension of PIP

Our investigation examined a man's claims that the Department for Communities had failed to consider his ‘difficulties’ when considering his claim for the Personal Independence Payment benefit, and that it lacked understanding of his condition.

Investigation Report

PIP and the value of further evidence

Our investigation found that the Department for Communities and Capita failed to properly obtain and use all relevant medical information to help them assess claims for the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) benefit.

Own Initiative Investigation

Investigation into a complaint about the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority

The Ombudsman has found that an RQIA inspection and subsequent report was completed according to relevant standards, but that it should have taken further steps to provide the registered manager of a care home with a copy of the draft report so that she could comment on its factual accuracy.

Investigation Report

Investigation into the handling of a planning application by Newry, Mourne and Down District Council

Newry, Mourne and Down District Council failed to provide an applicant with the reasons why its Planning Committee deferred a decision on his planning application.  An Ombudsman's report was also critical of excessive delays when responding to the applicant's concerns.

Investigation Report

Complainant treated ‘unfairly’ over publication of Charity Commission report

An Ombudsman investigation has found that a complainant should have been given the chance to comment on the factual accuracy of a report by the Charity Commission prior to its publication.  However, the complaint that the report was biased and written in ‘bad faith’ was not upheld.

Investigation Report

Failings found in 'appointee' process

The Ombudsman has recommended that the Department for Communities should review its operation of the appointee procedure following an investigation into a complaint.

Investigation Report

Investigation finds planning application was not properly considered

The Ombudsman has found that an application to build a residential nursing home in County Down was, in part, incorrectly assessed by planners.

Investigation Report

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