9 findings available

Council failed to properly consider report into conduct of Chief Executive

We found failures in Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s decision to take no action over an independent report which was critical of its senior staff.

Investigation Report

Council’s procurement errors led to trader overpaying for rental site

We asked Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council to refund thousands of pounds to a woman after we found it mismanaged an online procurement.

Investigation Report

Man has thousands of pounds in benefits repaid after being wrongly told to apply for Universal Credit

Our investigation led to the Department for Communities repaying over £11,000 to a man after we found he was given poor advice which caused him to lose his existing benefits.

Investigation Report

Council criticised for delay over planning enforcement case

We asked Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council to take a number of learning points from our investigation into the way it dealt with a complaint that a wind turbine breached planning control.

Investigation Report

Report upholds man's complaint about suspension of PIP

Our investigation examined a man's claims that the Department for Communities had failed to consider his ‘difficulties’ when considering his claim for the Personal Independence Payment benefit, and that it lacked understanding of his condition.

Investigation Report

Investigation of a complaint about the Education Authority

A man said that the Education Authority refused to answer questions over how it managed a referral about his son’s school attendance.  We found that although it dealt properly with most of his enquiries, it failed to respond to one of the issues he raised.

Investigation Report

Failings found in 'appointee' process

The Ombudsman has recommended that the Department for Communities should review its operation of the appointee procedure following an investigation into a complaint.

Investigation Report

Ombudsman critical of Council's record-keeping during planning case

The Ombudsman has upheld a complaint about the way planning officials within Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council dealt with changes to a planning application for a new dwelling.

Investigation Report

Investigation finds that Department did not respond adequately to complaint

The Ombudsman has recommended that the Northern Ireland Civil Service review elements of their Dignity at Work policy after she found maladministration in the way the Department for Communities handled a complaint from a member of the public.

Investigation Report

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