13 findings available

Council failed to properly consider report into conduct of Chief Executive

We found failures in Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s decision to take no action over an independent report which was critical of its senior staff.

Investigation Report

Investigation of a complaint against a Primary School

The parents of a child with special educational needs complained that his primary school was not giving him the support he needed. 

We upheld the complaint and made a number of recommendations to the school.

Investigation Report

Council’s procurement errors led to trader overpaying for rental site

We asked Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council to refund thousands of pounds to a woman after we found it mismanaged an online procurement.

Investigation Report

Council criticised for delay over planning enforcement case

We asked Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council to take a number of learning points from our investigation into the way it dealt with a complaint that a wind turbine breached planning control.

Investigation Report

Investigation into the handling of a planning application by Newry, Mourne and Down District Council

Newry, Mourne and Down District Council failed to provide an applicant with the reasons why its Planning Committee deferred a decision on his planning application.  An Ombudsman's report was also critical of excessive delays when responding to the applicant's concerns.

Investigation Report

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