Patient Partnership Week - Contributing to Better, Safer Care

Patient Partnership Week (2nd – 6th September) is an initiative created by the Patients Association to improve healthcare through better patient engagement. 

There is a focus during the week on shared decision making in healthcare.  Shared decision means involving patients and their families in decisions about their clinical care. 

Not only do health professional codes of conduct state that patients should be told of any risks with recommended treatment, it is also a legal requirement. 

Shared decision making enhances both quality of care and fosters more compassionate, effective healthcare. It is also vital for patient safety, because by listening to and working with patients a service is more likely to understand and meet their needs and be responsive when safety problems arise.

At the Public Services Ombudsman for Northern Ireland we receive complaints from patients (predominantly in a hospital setting) that they would have liked greater involvement in their care.  While our investigations may find that health care staff treated patients appropriately, we also find occasions in which staff have not involved and listened to patients and their families.  

You can read more about these cases here.

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