10 findings available

Department did not clearly define eligibility for Covid support grant

A business owner said he was unfairly denied a Covid business support grant.  We found that the man’s application was assessed properly, but criticised the Department for the Economy for producing guidance that was not clear.

Investigation Report

Man's complaint leads to broadband access

Case Summary

Investigation finds Department failed to provide clear information over Covid-19 Business Support Scheme

A complainant believed her business should have received financial support during the Covid-19 pandemic.  We asked the Department for the Economy to retrospectively accept and consider her application.

Investigation Report

Investigation into a complaint about the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority

The Ombudsman has found that an RQIA inspection and subsequent report was completed according to relevant standards, but that it should have taken further steps to provide the registered manager of a care home with a copy of the draft report so that she could comment on its factual accuracy.

Investigation Report

Investigation into the handling of a planning application by Newry, Mourne and Down District Council

Newry, Mourne and Down District Council failed to provide an applicant with the reasons why its Planning Committee deferred a decision on his planning application.  An Ombudsman's report was also critical of excessive delays when responding to the applicant's concerns.

Investigation Report

Investigation finds planning application was not properly considered

The Ombudsman has found that an application to build a residential nursing home in County Down was, in part, incorrectly assessed by planners.

Investigation Report

Investigation of a complaint against Newry, Mourne and Down District Council

A man’s complaint about how his planning application was dealt with has been partially upheld by the Public Services Ombudsman.

Investigation Report

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