11 findings available

Council failed to properly consider report into conduct of Chief Executive

We found failures in Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s decision to take no action over an independent report which was critical of its senior staff.

Investigation Report

Council’s procurement errors led to trader overpaying for rental site

We asked Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council to refund thousands of pounds to a woman after we found it mismanaged an online procurement.

Investigation Report

Department did not clearly define eligibility for Covid support grant

A business owner said he was unfairly denied a Covid business support grant.  We found that the man’s application was assessed properly, but criticised the Department for the Economy for producing guidance that was not clear.

Investigation Report

Man's complaint leads to broadband access

Case Summary

Investigation finds Department failed to provide clear information over Covid-19 Business Support Scheme

A complainant believed her business should have received financial support during the Covid-19 pandemic.  We asked the Department for the Economy to retrospectively accept and consider her application.

Investigation Report

Council criticised for delay over planning enforcement case

We asked Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council to take a number of learning points from our investigation into the way it dealt with a complaint that a wind turbine breached planning control.

Investigation Report

Investigation into a complaint about the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority

The Ombudsman has found that an RQIA inspection and subsequent report was completed according to relevant standards, but that it should have taken further steps to provide the registered manager of a care home with a copy of the draft report so that she could comment on its factual accuracy.

Investigation Report

Complaint against the Driver and Vehicle Agency

The Driver & Vehicle Agency failed to manage a complainant's medical assessment in a timely manner, thereby increasing the risk that his licence would expire while his renewal was being processed. The Ombudsman also found that the DVA failed to communicate with the Occupational Health Service to ensure the application was treated as a priority.

Investigation Report

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