
'Fundamental failings' led to death of unborn baby

A woman who was 33 weeks pregnant was admitted to Craigavon Area Hospital with severe abdominal pains.

Our investigation found that had an emergency caesarean section been carried out it is likely her baby would have survived.

Report recommendations

As well as asking the Trust to apologise for the failings, we asked it to:

  • Carry out an audit of obstetric and midwifery records belonging to patients who have attended Craigavon Maternity Unit (CMU) within the past three years. The review should include consultant cover, staffing levels and working practices.  The Trust should share the outcomes of the review with this Office.
  • Shares the finding of this report with relevant staff to allow them to reflect on the failings identified.
  • Provides training to relevant staff on the management and responsibilities of high-risk pregnancy, including when staff should escalate the patient to a senior doctor.
  • Provides training to relevant midwifery staff on the recording of accurate pain scores.
Health & Social Care
Southern Health and Social Care Trust
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