4 findings available

Ombudsman criticises Council’s record keeping over planning application for heat and power plant

Derry City and Strabane District Council has been criticised for not making contemporaneous records  over whether to carry out a Habitat Regulation Assessment during a planning case.

Investigation Report

Restrictive Practices in Northern Ireland Schools - an overview report

This report contains details of investigations into restrictive practices in schools, identifies recurring themes, and includes a number of recommendations to the Department of Education.

Own Initiative Investigation

Application for wind turbine ‘not processed in appropriate manner’ by Council

The Ombudsman has found that a Council provided a planning applicant with misleading and inaccurate information about his application, and has made a series of recommendations for remedy.

Investigation Report

Complainant experienced injustice as a result of Council's actions

A local Council has been asked by the Ombudsman to apologise to a complainant after an investigation found they failed to follow their own Financial Regulations during a process to appoint a company for a public event.

Investigation Report

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