17 findings available

Council followed correct procedures when naming new road

Belfast City Council did not need to consult with residents before naming a new road. 

Investigation Report
Not upheld

Ombudsman proposes own initiative investigation into Housing Executive

The Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman is proposing to investigate the actions of the region’s largest social housing landlord, the Northern Ireland Housing Executive.

The investigation into social housing conditions would be the third to take place under the Ombudsman’s ‘own initiative’ power, which allows for an investigation to take place where she has a reasonable suspicion of systemic maladministration.

Own Initiative Investigation

Northern Ireland Housing Executive properly assessed man’s housing application

A man claimed he was treated unfairly by the Housing Executive when it rejected his application for a three-bedroomed house.

Investigation Report
Not upheld

Report recommends review of how the Northern Ireland Housing Executive handles complaints

We upheld a man's complaint about the Housing Executive's failure to deal with his enquiries about emergency accommodation.

Investigation Report

Housing Executive’s repeated failure to deal with complaints ‘deeply concerning’

The Ombudsman has said she ‘cannot ignore’ the Housing Executive's continued poor response to concerns raised by its service users.

Investigation Report

Council failed to give reasons for not taking enforcement action

A man claimed Belfast City Council should have asked his neighbour to remove a structure on his driveway.

Although the Council was not required to take action, we found it should have explained to the man why.

Investigation Report

Complaint about the Northern Ireland Housing Executive

A Housing Executive resident complained that it didn’t deal with his concerns about his unsafe kitchen.

Upholding the complaint, we recommended that it apologise to the man and provide him with a response within two weeks of our report.

Investigation Report

Northern Ireland Housing Executive took two years to deal with resident’s complaint

We criticised how a complaint was handled by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, concluding that it appeared ‘unimportant’ to the organisation to deal with complaints quickly and effectively.

Investigation Report

Investigation of a complaint against Belfast City Council

We found that a consultation response to a planning application should have been made available on the Planning Portal website.  While this was a record keeping error by the Belfast Planning Service, we found no grounds to question its decision to approve the application.

Investigation Report

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