6 findings available

Complaint about Department's investigation into waste management concerns

A man said the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs failed to investigate his reports of unlawful activity by a waste management company.  

We upheld parts of the complaint.

Investigation Report

Department did not clearly define eligibility for Covid support grant

A business owner said he was unfairly denied a Covid business support grant.  We found that the man’s application was assessed properly, but criticised the Department for the Economy for producing guidance that was not clear.

Investigation Report

Man's complaint leads to broadband access

Case Summary

Investigation finds Department failed to provide clear information over Covid-19 Business Support Scheme

A complainant believed her business should have received financial support during the Covid-19 pandemic.  We asked the Department for the Economy to retrospectively accept and consider her application.

Investigation Report

Ombudsman asks Department to refund complainant after finding it unfairly recovered payment of farming subsidy

A number of recommendations have been made by the Ombudsman after an investigation revealed that unclear guidance to applicants led to confusion over eligibility of Single Farm Payments.

Investigation Report

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