8 findings available

Complaint about council’s handling of a planning application

We asked Mid and East Antrim Council to apologise to a man for failures in the way it dealt with a planning application.

Investigation Report

Complaint about council’s decision to approve planning application

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council failed to fully record the reasons why it approved a planning application for a domestic garage.  However, we found it would not have reached a different decision had the failings not occurred.

Investigation Report

Council failed to give reasons for not taking enforcement action

A man claimed Belfast City Council should have asked his neighbour to remove a structure on his driveway.

Although the Council was not required to take action, we found it should have explained to the man why.

Investigation Report

Council criticised for delay over planning enforcement case

We asked Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council to take a number of learning points from our investigation into the way it dealt with a complaint that a wind turbine breached planning control.

Investigation Report

Ombudsman criticises Council’s record keeping over planning application for heat and power plant

Derry City and Strabane District Council has been criticised for not making contemporaneous records  over whether to carry out a Habitat Regulation Assessment during a planning case.

Investigation Report

Ombudsman critical of council’s handling of planning application

We found that failings by Ards and North Down Borough Council resulted in delays to a golf club’s planning application.

Investigation Report

Council apologises to complainant over handling of planning application

We reminded Mid and East Antrim Borough Council of its record keeping responsibilities following our investigation of a complaint brought by an MLA.  We also asked it to consider developing a formal policy around the role of public representatives in the planning process.

Investigation Report

Investigation into Council’s enforcement action

We investigated a complaint about the way Belfast City Council dealt with claims of a breach of planning control.

Investigation Report

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