8 findings available

Complaint about council’s handling of a planning application

We asked Mid and East Antrim Council to apologise to a man for failures in the way it dealt with a planning application.

Investigation Report

Complaint about council’s decision to approve planning application

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council failed to fully record the reasons why it approved a planning application for a domestic garage.  However, we found it would not have reached a different decision had the failings not occurred.

Investigation Report

Housing Association apologises to tenant over handling of complaint

We asked Choice Housing Association to review its Anti-Social Behaviour procedures, and to ensure its staff are aware of the importance of record keeping when conducting investigations into Anti-Social Behaviour.

Investigation Report

Council apologises to complainant over handling of planning application

We reminded Mid and East Antrim Borough Council of its record keeping responsibilities following our investigation of a complaint brought by an MLA.  We also asked it to consider developing a formal policy around the role of public representatives in the planning process.

Investigation Report

Investigation of a complaint about the Northern Ireland Audit Office

We welcomed the Audit Office's positive approach to record keeping after we upheld a complaint about the way it dealt with a complainant's concerns.

Investigation Report

Recommendations made to Council after failures found in handling of planning case

The Ombudsman has criticised aspects of the way Mid & East Antrim Borough Council handled a planning application for an update of existing sports facilities at St Patrick’s College, Ballymena.

Investigation Report

Council dealt appropriately with planning application - Ombudsman

An investigation by the Public Services Ombudsman has found that Mid & East Antrim Borough Council dealt properly with a planning application for a house extension, despite objections from the applicant’s neighbours.

Investigation Report

Complainant experienced injustice as a result of Council's actions

A local Council has been asked by the Ombudsman to apologise to a complainant after an investigation found they failed to follow their own Financial Regulations during a process to appoint a company for a public event.

Investigation Report

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