20 findings available

Complaint about council’s handling of a planning application

We asked Mid and East Antrim Council to apologise to a man for failures in the way it dealt with a planning application.

Investigation Report

Complaint about council’s decision to approve planning application

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council failed to fully record the reasons why it approved a planning application for a domestic garage.  However, we found it would not have reached a different decision had the failings not occurred.

Investigation Report

Complaint about the Northern Ireland Housing Executive

A Housing Executive resident complained that it didn’t deal with his concerns about his unsafe kitchen.

Upholding the complaint, we recommended that it apologise to the man and provide him with a response within two weeks of our report.

Investigation Report

Northern Ireland Housing Executive took two years to deal with resident’s complaint

We criticised how a complaint was handled by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, concluding that it appeared ‘unimportant’ to the organisation to deal with complaints quickly and effectively.

Investigation Report

Investigation into a complaint about the Northern Ireland Housing Executive

A man complained about the way the Housing Executive dealt with his concerns about episodes of Anti-Social Behaviour.  We upheld the complaint, finding that the Housing Executive did not manage the claims in line with its Anti-Social Behaviour manual.

Investigation Report

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