Holiday opening hours

Our office is closed from the afternoon of 22 December until Tuesday 2nd January 2024.

If you wish to contact us during this time, please use our online complaints form or send us an email.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Friday 22 December

Due to the expected disruption caused by the public transport strike, our office will be closed to the public on Friday 22 December.

Our phone lines will be open as normal.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

  • Corporate news

Friday 15 December

Due to the expected disruption caused by the public transport strike, our office will be closed to the public on Friday 15 December.

Our phone lines will be open as normal.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

  • Corporate news

Patient experienced unnecessary pain during endoscopy

The Western Health Trust should have done more to ease a patient's discomfort during an endoscopy procedure.

Read the full report here

  • Media statements

Friday 1 December

Due to the expected disruption caused by the public transport strike, our office will be closed to the public on Friday 1 December.

Our phone lines will be open as normal.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

  • Corporate news

Failures in care and treatment of young person with life limiting condition after move to adult services

The quality of care given to a young person with complex medical needs deteriorated when she turned 18.  

Read our investigation report into a complaint about the Belfast Trust.

  • Media statements

Strengthening our roots: an overview report on tree protection in the planning system

Today we've released a new report on the protection of trees in Northern Ireland.  

'Strengthening our roots: an overview report on tree protection in the planning system' found that despite 369 tree protection breaches reported between 2019 and 2022, only one resulted in enforcement action being taken, and none led to prosecution.

It also found that despite having significant enforcement powers, less than half of local councils clearly state on their websites that it is a criminal offence to carry out works to protected trees without consent.  Others do not make any reference to the consequences of breaches. 

It states that a failure to provide clear information to the public has the potential to cause confusion, and risks creating a perception that local councils and the Department for Infrastructure see the protection of trees as a low priority.

  • Corporate news

Tuesday 31 October

Due to the adverse weather our office will be closed to the public on Tuesday 31 October.

Our phone lines will be open as normal.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

  • Corporate news

Trust delayed man’s application for kinship of grandchildren

We asked the Belfast Trust to apologise to a man for taking 10 months to complete a criminal record check, thereby delaying his application to look after his grandchildren.

Read our investigation report.

  • Corporate news

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