326 findings available

Recommendations made to Council after failures found in handling of planning case

The Ombudsman has criticised aspects of the way Mid & East Antrim Borough Council handled a planning application for an update of existing sports facilities at St Patrick’s College, Ballymena.

Investigation Report

Failings found in 'appointee' process

The Ombudsman has recommended that the Department for Communities should review its operation of the appointee procedure following an investigation into a complaint.

Investigation Report

Investigation finds planning application was not properly considered

The Ombudsman has found that an application to build a residential nursing home in County Down was, in part, incorrectly assessed by planners.

Investigation Report

Ombudsman critical of Council's record-keeping during planning case

The Ombudsman has upheld a complaint about the way planning officials within Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council dealt with changes to a planning application for a new dwelling.

Investigation Report

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