35 findings available

Complaint against the Department for Communities

An architect complained that he was unfairly removed from a project to restore a historic monument.

Case Summary

Investigation of a complaint against a Primary School

The parents of a child with special educational needs complained that his primary school was not giving him the support he needed. 

We upheld the complaint and made a number of recommendations to the school.

Investigation Report

PIP and the value of further evidence - follow up report

In June 2021 the Ombudsman found that repeated failings by the Department for Communities in how it handled further evidence amounted to ‘systemic maladministration’. Ombudsman Margaret Kelly made 33 recommendations on how the system could be improved.

This follow-up report shows that out of the 33 recommendations made, 10 have been fully met, 18 partly met, and 5 not met. 

Own Initiative Investigation

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